Is Vegas barefoot friendly??? UHHH…YES

Posted: October 3, 2011 in Barefoot, Family, Life, Sandals, Shoes, Society, Vacation
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Hello friends and fellow Puffins. How was your week without your fearless leader (yeh, Rocky and Bullwinkle was on today)? I hope that you missed me way more than I missed you. Might be hard though. I took an 8 day vacation to the sin city itself. My wife and I had a great time, and if you’ve never been to Vegas, it’s definitely worth going at least once. I could write an entire blog post on how to survive your first trip to Vegas, but I don’t think anyone truly SURVIVES. My first trip to Vegas (as a full fledged citizen) was on my honeymoon last year. We had a great time, and this time was more of the same. This was just a vacation to get away before the baby arrives (although we made the plans to go WAAAAAY before we knew). My parents, and their best friends came along for the ride, and we had a blast.

Anyway, onto why I think Vegas (or at least the strip) is barefoot friendly. Now, let me start off by saying that I didn’t spend a TON of time barefoot. I actually took my Luna Equus sandals and my own homemade huaraches to compare as knock around shoes. More on that later. But the parts that I did spend barefoot were good, and my bare feet were hardly noticed. This might shock  some of you, but if the most noticeable part of your outfit is your bare feet, you have very little to worry about in Vegas. Not only that, but with 85% of the women

These fine specimen are exatly what Vegas thrives on, and they look just as bad at the end of the night as they do now.

trudging up and down the strip barefoot and drunk everyone else just assumes you are drunk too. This worked out in my favor because it’s something that I didn’t have to fake. On an entirely related note, White Russians are DELICIOUS.

The casinos didn’t seem to care too much, mainly because they double as hotels and bare feet are pretty common in most hotel settings. None of the little shops or anything up and down the strip cared. Now, I didn’t go venturing into too many restaurants barefoot, but there were plenty of other folks walking/stumbling around barefoot in the stores without being kicked out. Even the stores with the infamous No shirt No shoes No awesomeness signs didn’t care. This was reassuring.  If you are living barefoot as much as possible and sandy beaches with bikini clad women aren’t your style, then head to Vegas. You’ll have a great time, and you’ll be accepted everywhere…Like cash because that’s exactly what you will lose while you are there.

As far as the comparison of the Luna Equus to my own personal huaraches, there really wasn’t much comparison. While mine look great, and proved to be a good sandal. However, the Lunas were GREAT. My one complaint was with the new lacing system. There is a rubber type  sleeve that sits on top of the seam where the new ribbon to rubber connection rests on the foot. This is to protect that seam, and was great in theory. However, in practice, the damn thing slides up and down the Equus lace constantly. What’s worse is that it is kind of irritating as it does this, and takes away from the clean look of the laces if it isn’t sitting where it is supposed to. I’m not sure if this is just a fit issue or not. Tightening and adjusting the laces helps keep it in position, but finding the sweet spot where it sits where it is supposed to and the sandal is continuously comfortable is difficult. I plan on doing a full review of my huaraches and the Lunas in the next coming weeks, so stick around for them. I’ll definitely go into more detail on both when I do the reviews. For the moment, I am sleepy and I have this thing called a job that supplies the moolah for this cash cow of a blog.


Until next time,


  1. Justherenow says:

    I think if you try that in June/July/Aug you are in for some serious burns. You can literally fry an egg on the sidewalk during those months.

What do you think?